Physiotherapy can be helpful for conditions such as back and neck pain, sciatica, headaches, vertigo and dizziness, nerve pain, arthritis, joint pain and sports injuries.
Our Specialist Physiotherapy services include:
Do you know that your gait can have a direct impact on the rest of your body? When there is a small problem with your feet, which changes the way you walk, this can affect your posture, put stress on your joints and can lead to more extensive problems affecting your knees, hips and back. Our physiotherapists and Podiatrists are trained to assess your gait na with the aid of our GAIT SCANNER, can produce a computerised picture of how you both stand and walk. This data is used , along with your history and presentation, to produce custom made orthotics, if these are needed.
Just like wearing glasses, your orthotic prescription should be checked every 3 or so years, as your body changes in terms of weight, age, flexibility etc.
Shockwave therapy.
Shockwave is a non-invasive, non-electric, high energy sound wave which breaks down scar tissue, stimulates cell regeneration, promotes healing and rapidly reduces pain.
Clinical research has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of shoulder and knee pain, plantar fasciitis, trochanteric bursitis, tennis elbow and hamstring tendon pain.
“ I find Shockwave therapy helps relieve my pain and speeds up my recovery following sports injuries.”
Sarah Key Method for back pain.
The team at The Clinic at Vic-Ryn use a variety of methods to treat acute and chronic spinal pain, but they favour the Sarah Key Method, and her view of how and why back pain develops.
Clients receive hands on treatment and a series of exercises which include use of a back block.
Sports massage & sports injuries clinic.
Pre-activity sports massage helps loosen your muscles and prepare you for exercise. Post-evident deep tissue massage aids your recovery time and flushes away waste products built up during activity.
But as you know, with sport comes sports injuries! We provide quick access to physiotherapy treatments, including kinesio taping, which facilitates the bodies natural healing process whilst stabilising the muscles and joints.
Acupuncture & The Bowen Technique.
Some of our clients find acupuncture very effective in their management of pain. Very fine, single use, sterile needles are inserted into specific points in the body.
The Bowen Technique is a very gentle “hands of-hands on" treatment which allows the body to do the work of healing itself. It can be affective when other treatments are unsuitable, especially if the client is very frail or infirm.
Treatment for TMJ Disorder.
Do you suffer from:
- jaw pain or tenderness?
- Aching pain in and around your ear or face?
- Difficulty or pain whilst eating?
- A locking, clicking or grinding sensation in your jaw?
If you have any of these symptoms above, you could have something called temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. We offer a TMJ disorder clinic where one of our qualified physiotherapists will complete an in depth assessment of your problem to determine if the pain is originating from your TMJ, or from another source. They will then begin treatment to help alleviate your symptoms and advise you on how to prevent future occurrences of this type of pain.
Whether you have been officially diagnosed with TMJ disorder in the past, or you're simply getting some of these symptoms, contact us to find out more about how we can help you.
We provide treatment for self paying clients & all major insurance companies.
All our team are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Appointments can be made before work, during the day or in the evening.
Home Visits can be arranged as necessary.
Patient Testimonials
“I would like to say thank you. As someone who deals with constant pain I have found Mr Mulholland’s expertise invaluable. The clinic at Vic Ryn is super-efficient, organised and very caring- just like health care should be. Undoubtedly the quality of my life is vastly improved with the care I receive. I have, without hesitation, recommended Mr Mulholland and the staff to many others, and they too agree.”
— Honor.
“ I found Rishma to eb knowledgeable and she understood how to adapt my exercise regime to fit in with my busy work schedule! She is friendly and chatty and really put me at ease in my sessions. She also gives the most amazing neck massages which have really helped me too!
— Shauna.
I have attended The Clinic at Vic Ryn for both post-operative and other things over a number of years. I have received physiotherapy treatment and have benefitted as a result. I have also joined and enjoyed Pilates classes for some years. I have always been received in a caring and professional way and have no hesitation in recommending The Clinic at Vic Ryn.
“Rishma is an excellet therapist and knows her job really well!”
— Linda.
“Campbell always gives me a concise helpful and practical answer. Grateful thanks to you Campbell and to all your excellent support team at The Clinic at Vic Ryn.”
— Mary.
“ Rishma is very friendly and gave me preventative exercises as well as treatment- she was excellent”
- Anonymous.
“Two friends recommended the Clinic at Vic-Ryn (one a retired physio). Over the past three years I had repeated episodes of chronic low-back pain. A thorough and gentle examination identified the problem. I was given tailored exercises to correct alignment followed by a series of strengthening exercises. The online video demonstrations are great in ensuring you are doing the various exercises properly. Glad to say the treatments and continuing exercises have prevented further sudden episodes of pain. The diagnosis, treatments, advice and professional expertise at Vic-Ryn - all excellent. Has made a huge difference to my quality of life and ability to enjoy exercise again.”
“Campbell has been the best physio I’ve ever seen. I had a number of old riding injuries that had given me some problems for several years and although I’d seen several people previously, it was only after treatment with Campbell that I now have long term success.Thanks Campbell!”
— Eloise.